Antiquities Keys

Antiquities Keys

Here are some examples of Keys and Locks from antiquities. Estimate of age and origin are based on the source material from which the images are from, unless otherwise noted.

3rd Century

3rd Century Key
Photo (C) RMN-Grand Palais / Philippe Fuzeau

Archaeological Discovery. Discovered in France.
Height: 0.16 m
Width: 0.032 m
Material: Copper alloy

Location: Montigny-le-Bretonneux, service archéologique départemental des Yvelines

Ancient Roman Key
Photo (C) Louvre Museum, Dist. RMN-Grand Palais

Archaeological Discovery. Discovered in Palestine
Provenance: Sour Baher
Ancient Roman
Material: Bronze
Location: Paris, musée du Louvre

Roman Lion Key
Photo (C) RMN-Grand Palais (musée du Louvre) / Tony Querrec

Discovered: Notre-Dame d’Allençon (origine)
Ancient Roman
Age: Middle of the 2nd – first half of the 3rd century after J.-C.- Manufacture: Gaule Lugdunaise
Material: Bronze
Paris, musée du Louvre


Set of Keys
(C) Ville de Marseille, Dist. / RMN-Grand Palais / Benjamin Soligny / Raphaël Chipault

Location: Marseille, musée Grobet Labadié

Set of keys
(C) Ville de Marseille, Dist. / RMN-Grand Palais / Benjamin Soligny / Raphaël Chipault

Location: Marseille, musée Grobet Labadié

Set of Keys
(C) Ville de Marseille, Dist. / RMN-Grand Palais / Benjamin Soligny / Raphaël Chipault

Material: Iron
Location: Marseille, musée Grobet Labadié

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