Antique Pocket Door Key :

NEW! The new Blog section is up and running. Keep an eye out for informative articles, links, and interesting auctions (both on and off-eBay). It’s the section I’ll use to highlight locks and keys NOT in my collection, upcoming and past auctions of interest, and any other topics I feel interested in writing about. The website is a work in progress. Please excuse the mess of a home page and lack of content on many pages. The key category has several posts available for proper viewing. Since the majority of these posts were made, the collection has greatly grown to include over a dozen changeable bit keys, vault/safe keys, a myriad of folding keys, and over 60 unique pocket door keys. It has also grown to include European keys as well. I’m slow on updating the pictures, but if there’s something in particular you want to see feel free to request, and I’ll put that next on the list to post. Collection includes a Yale treasury key, Isham’s patent key, and changeable bit keys like these two:
Enjoy the unique antique keys and locks showcased and check out the resources section for more information on this great collectible field. Read the About Us Page for more information.
Die Stadtwüstung Nienover im Solling. Studien zur Sachkultur einer hochmittelalterlichen Gründungsstadt im südlichen Niedersachsen. (Materialhefte zur Ur- und Frühgeschichte Niedersachsens 39). 1. Aufl. by Sonja König.
Description per a bookseller translated from German to English using Google Translate: This book is the first of three that deal with findings, findings [topography, construction, attachment] and overall monitoring of prospecting and excavations of 1993-2001, which were carried out mainly in the center and western half of the oldest city of the Solling. The city with the same named castle lay on a landscape dominant spur and is historically only 1318/1320 as “civitas” and in the hall called “old town” tangible. The research yielded 52,622 individual finds, of which 50 355 Ceramic, 1,164 of iron, non-ferrous metal 149, 283 made of stone, 68 of slag and 18 are made of glass. The ceramic traces the forms and types of goods development of 1180-1270. Among the iron finds, inter alia, are Nails, hardware, locks, horseshoes, bridles, weapons and keys against in ferrous metal finds vessels, pendants, buckles, scales, coins, weights, etc. For stone whetstones and grindstones, cover and hand mills are mentioned. From glass existed as Rib cups and beads. The finds can be divided into five phases, which range from the pre- to nachstädtischen time and include three large fires in the town. Largest German Museum Library Online Search$DirectLink& . More info (In English) can be found here: to help find books to help find books in Germany to help find books in China Chinese image search site (Ex search: Chinese search engine Chinese equivalent